“You have a choice and make it a good one,” Caprina cocked the gun and pointed towards him, “either you or her.”

“Scott, please…” Mariana begged him as she tried to escape Caprina’s grasp. “Please, honey…”

“Shut up!” Caprina tightened her grip on Mariana and she screamed out in pain.

Scott concentrated on Mariana’s eyes. It was his fault they ended up in the current predicament. It was his fault he let Caprina rule their relationship. It was his fault he subsequently chose Caprina over Mariana.

Scott wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something more happened to Mariana. “Me,” he quietly replied with a heavy heart, “kill me.”


Where’s Sanora when you need her?

S&M IV, the final installment in the serial, will be out this year.

3 responses to “#Sunday Snippet: S&M IV”

  1. Connie Marie Baker Avatar

    Caprina has got to get her come-alliances and she should get it from Mariana, and Scot. Come on now, she deserves it.

  2. Tamara Williams Van Horn Avatar

    As long as Caprina dies, I don’t care who else gets shot. I really dislike her character. More than Simone.

  3. stephaniejynelle Avatar

    I knew Scott had unfinished business with Caprina but hell, she is beyond crazy. Who pissed in her cheerios!? Love it a lot Ms. Vera.