#TeaserTuesday: Other Side of the Game (Finesse Conclusion)


The devil didn’t drag me to hell; I willingly went with him. 

Being the baby mama of Atlanta’s notorious drug lord comes with unexpected perks. I’m protected at all times, and I have a nanny at my disposal so I can run my coffee shop. The other apparent setback, Cameron, aka Finesse, always has a target on his back, and in turn, so do I. 

To protect my sanity, I had to break free from him finally. But now the question is, for how long? 

Unedited Snippet:


After sitting in on a lecture about how the new feminism isn’t about a sexual revolution but being comfortable in your skin and whatever the hell else the professor talked about (I truly lost track), we were separated into breakout groups. 

I was matched up with Barbie. 

Barbie is the type of woman I’ve been around my entire life – privileged, stuck-up, and attractive. She can shout about equality and even go to a few BLM and feminist protests for clout. She could even recite lyrics from Lil’ Baby and talk about how much she loved Martin.

But we all know what’s good with her – the first opportunity Barbie’ll get, her husband, friends, and kids will be whiter than the purest cocaine. 

That’s where I come in. I need to get close to this woman so she can make some very bad decisions that’ll impact not only her future but her father’s. After all, if your daddy is going to act like we’re homies when he tried to interrogate me and get me to flip on Que, well…why wouldn’t I fuck his baby girl, literally and figuratively? 

Other Side of the Game, the epic conclusion of the Finesse series will be out soon. Release date TBA.