Are there any vintage black pinups?


Well of course there are, just not a plenty…

When I was asked to post some posts here, I got kinda scared, Queen Vera is great with the writing while I go with mainly posting of sexy bodies (hard work that too..) but am looking forward to hijacking her blog for a week with some great sexy black women. Always wanted an excuse to post some black vintage pinup style.

But as an appertizer on how hard it is to find the black pinups, read this awesome article:

“Want to try a Google search which will turn up virtually empty? “Black Pinup” Let’s face it folks…racism was so pervasive during the vintage sleaze years, it was almost impossible to find a sexy shot of a sister!

nextaThe first Black Playboy centerfold wasn’t until 1969 (!) this despite Hugh Hefner being a big civil rights advocate! Do you feel ashamed yet? Pinups were featured regularly in the “mainstream” Black publications of Jet, Ebony, Hue and such, but for the most part naked Black women were taboo, except in horrible “risque” postcards which were “satire” and National Geographic. A Black model? Forget it! It also wasn’t until 1969 that Life Magazine had an article called “Black Models Take Center Stage” as odd as that seems today.

As we will see in further installments of “Afro-Antics” not only did the tiny African-American upper-class discourage Black smut (it was not “uplifting” to the race) but the scant few black smut rags that were produced were aimed not at a Black market, but at white consumers with a Black fetish! (Sorta like Thomas Jefferson) What a world.”


via Vintage Sleaze

Anyway, hopefully you will enjoy some of the girls I will be posting here on my lovely girlfriends blog (yes Cali, I know she is yours Open-mouthed smile )
And thanks girl for allowing me to do it…

2 responses to “Are there any vintage black pinups?”

  1. IzaakMak Avatar

    Here’s wishing you all the luck in the world in opening up this hard to crack genre! 😀

    1. Rincewind Avatar

      a man has to do what a man has to do, and with that I mean posting beautiful girls. phew, it’s a hard life.. LOL.